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3 Important Goals To Meet When Designing Product Labels And Warnings

by Daniel Herrera

If you manufacture and sell products worldwide, you will need to take a few steps to ensure that your product labels are clear and thorough, and that they are written in a way that protects your company. When people purchase your products, they may read the labels to find out the instructions or ways to use your products, and this is one of the reasons your labels are very important. As you create the right labels for your products, there are three key things you must keep in mind.

Make Sure They Are Clear And Thorough

The first and most important step in creating your product labels is choosing the right wording and information to place on them. Each product you make may need its own individual label, and the labels may need to contain:

  • Instructions for assembly
  • Instructions for use
  • Ingredients or materials in the products
  • Where the products were made

Each of these items is important for most product labels, and you may want to hire someone who is highly trained in the English language to write and design these labels for your products. The instructions you create will not only be of value to your customers, but they must warn your customers of dangers associated with the product.

Create The Labels So They Protect You

Product liability is a huge issue today, and this is where product warnings come into play. The best way to protect your company and its assets from product liability lawsuits is to create clear warning labels for the products you manufacture. Within this category of information to include on your product labels, you should make sure you state age requirements for the product. In addition, you must warn your customers of any hazards, including those that may seem like common sense. Here are some examples of warnings you may need to include:

  • Do not use the product near water
  • Keep the product away from flames
  • The product may have been exposed to peanuts (or any other type of food that people might be allergic to)

You should not take any risks when creating your warning labels, which means you should include things you assume people already know.

Accurate Translated Instructions

Finally, you will need to hire a company that offers accurate translation services to ensure that your labels can be read by people in other parts of the world. When products are created for people around the world, your labels must also be created in a way that people can read them. While you do not need to include translations in every language on this earth, you may need to add certain languages, such as Spanish, French, German, and Chinese.

The problem with this is translating your labels to these languages. Before you do this, it is highly important to make sure your labels are accurate and complete in English. Once you have checked and rechecked, you will be able to move on to translating the labels.

The best way to do this is to hire a company that offers translation services. The company you hire should be experienced with this task and should offer excellent services. If the labels are not translated accurately, you could run into problems. For example, if a translator changes or messes up on one word, a product designed for people over the age of five might turn into a product designed for people under the age of five.

If you would like to learn more about translation services for your manufactured goods, contact a company that is experienced with this service, like Liaison Multilingual Services, Inc. You can learn more by calling a company like this or logging on to their website.
