protect your finances while opening a business

  • 4 Must-Haves For Every Home Pond

    10 December 2015

    One of the best things that you can do for your lawn, in order to improve its aesthetic integrity and also to potentially improve the financial value of your home, is to install a pond. However, digging a pond in your home isn't merely enough. There are numerous accouterments that you should consider purchasing for your pond in order to make sure that it is in the best working condition possible.

  • 3 Important Goals To Meet When Designing Product Labels And Warnings

    16 October 2015

    If you manufacture and sell products worldwide, you will need to take a few steps to ensure that your product labels are clear and thorough, and that they are written in a way that protects your company. When people purchase your products, they may read the labels to find out the instructions or ways to use your products, and this is one of the reasons your labels are very important. As you create the right labels for your products, there are three key things you must keep in mind.

  • Looking To Increase Your Self-Storage Business? Look To Your Customers For Great Ideas

    15 September 2015

    If you own or manage a self-storage facility, you probably spend a lot of energy considering how best to market your business to potential customers. For instance, you might rent billboard space, start an account for customer reviews, or hire a sign-twirler for the closest street corner. But have you ever considered asking your customers what theywant in a storage facility? You might just get some surprising results. Here are a few ideas to consider for your storage business.

  • How To Keep Your New Heater In Tip Top Shape While Saving Some Money On Energy

    1 September 2015

    Having a brand new heater installed before winter hits is a great way to ensure your comfort throughout the season. But running your heater day after day can put a lot of wear and tear on it, which can in turn increase the chance of needing repairs. You can also expect your energy bills to increase in conjunction with your heater use. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep your new heater in tip top shape while saving some money on energy at the same time – consider these options:

  • How To Successfully Downsize Your Household To Get Ready For A Move

    25 June 2015

    Recent studies have found excessive clutter in your home can increase your stress and negatively affect your health. As you prepare for an upcoming move, it is a good time to declutter your home to get rid of things you no longer use or need and improve your health. Packing will also go much quicker when you have less items to pack up and a moving sale can help you with this.

  • Burial Vs. Cremation | Advantages & Disadvantages

    11 June 2015

    Sometimes when people leave this world, they leave specific instructions with a loved one about what to do with their body. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it so easy. Often, people don't really care what happens to their body and they leave it to the preference of their family. If you are trying to decide whether to cremate or bury a loved one, here are some important advantages and disadvantages for both burials and cremations.

  • 3 Strategic Methods For Improving Diversity In Your Workplace

    9 June 2015

    Even though you recognize the importance of workplace diversity, in practice, it can be tough to achieve, especially in fields that are historically dominated by one gender or race. Even when you try to achieve diversity, it can seem as if not many minority candidates are attracted to your business in the first place. How can you drum up some new and more diverse talent for your workforce? You should take a close look at your job postings, your interview and application review practices, and your current employees for the answer.

  • Going Green Does Not Have To Cost Millions! Four Simple Ways To Make Your Apartment Community More Environmentally Friendly

    3 June 2015

    Do you cringe when you hear the words "go green" because you assume that making your apartment community more eco-friendly would be a costly excursion? While some environmentally friendly upgrades, like solar panels or green roofs, do come with high price tags, you don't have to spend a fortune to green-up your apartment community. Making several small, low-cost changes, like the ones suggested below, allows you to work with a property management company to create a greener living space without going bankrupt.

  • 5 Furniture Trends For The New Collaberative Office

    3 June 2015

    Open floor plans are becoming 2015's new normal in modern work spaces. Cubicle walls are coming down, and fixed work spaces are giving way to a fluid environment that's conducive to today's collaborative, interactive work style. Other factors affecting the changes in today's workplaces include the decreased need for hard copy file storage due to increased reliance on cloud resources, the replacement of bulky desktop computers in favor of smaller, portable laptops, and efforts on the part of corporations to increase productivity and retain quality employees in a demanding economic climate.

  • First Time Towing A Horse Trailer? Make Sure You Have The Proper Documentation

    1 June 2015

    If you have purchased your first horse trailer with plans to haul your horse to shows, there are a few important things to take care of before you hit the road. First, consider what your intentions are when attending the events with your horse. If you intend on making a profit or winning horse shows, then your requirements may be different. Here's what you need to know. Is horse riding a hobby or business?